GA-H97-Gaming 3User's ManualRev. 100112ME-H97GM3-1001R
- 10 -Hardware Installation1-2 ProductSpecicationsCPU Support for Intel® Core™ i7 processors/Intel® Core™ i5 processors/Intel® Core™ i3 processo
- 11 -Hardware InstallationMulti-Graphics Technology Supportfor2-WayAMDCrossFire™ technologyStorage Interface Chipset:- 1 x M.2 PCIe connec
- 12 -Hardware InstallationHardware Monitor System voltage detection CPU/System temperature detection CPU/CPU OPT/System fan speed detection C
- 13 -Hardware Installation1-3 Installing the CPU and CPU CoolerRead the following guidelines before you begin to install the CPU: • Make sure that t
- 14 -Hardware InstallationB. Follow the steps below to correctly install the CPU into the motherboard CPU socket.Step 1:Gently press the CPU socket
- 15 -Hardware Installation1-3-2 Installing the CPU CoolerFollowthestepsbelowtocorrectlyinstalltheCPUcooleronthemotherboard.(Thefollowi
- 16 -Hardware Installation1-4 Installing the MemoryRead the following guidelines before you begin to install the memory: • Make sure that the mother
- 17 -Hardware Installation1-4-2 Installing a MemoryBefore installing a memory module, make sure to turn off the computer and unplug the power cord f
- 18 -Hardware Installation1-5 Installing an Expansion CardRead the following guidelines before you begin to install an expansion card: • Make sure t
- 19 -Hardware Installation1-6 Back Panel ConnectorsUSB 2.0/1.1 PortTheUSBportsupportsthe USB2.0/1.1 specication.Usethisportfor USBdevi
MotherboardGA-H97-Gaming 3May 9, 2014May 9, 2014MotherboardGA-H97-Gaming 3
- 20 -Hardware InstallationCenter/Subwoofer Speaker Out Jack (Orange)Usethisaudiojacktoconnectcenter/subwooferspeakersina5.1/7.1-channelaud
- 21 -Hardware Installation1-7 Internal ConnectorsRead the following guidelines before connecting external devices: • First make sure your devices ar
- 22 -Hardware Installation1/2) ATX_12V_2X4/ATX (2x4 12V Power Connector and 2x12 Main Power Connector) Withtheuseofthepowerconnector,thepowe
- 23 -Hardware Installation3/4) CPU_FAN/SYS_FAN1/SYS_FAN2/SYS_FAN3 (Fan Headers) All fan headers on this motherboard are 4-pin. Most fan headers poss
- 24 -Hardware Installation7) SATA3 0/1/2/3/4/5 (SATA 6Gb/s Connectors) The SATA connectors conform to SATA 6Gb/s standard and are compatible with S
- 25 -Hardware InstallationFollow the steps below to correctly install an M.2 SSD in the M.2 connector.Step 1:Use a screw driver to unfasten the screw
- 26 -Hardware InstallationThe front panel design may differ by chassis. A front panel module mainly consists of power switch, resetswitch,powerLED
- 27 -Hardware Installation10) F_AUDIO (Front Panel Audio Header) ThefrontpanelaudioheadersupportsIntelHighDenitionaudio(HD)andAC'
- 28 -Hardware Installation12) F_USB30 (USB 3.0/2.0 Header) TheheaderconformstoUSB3.0/2.0specicationandcanprovidetwoUSBports.Forpurch
- 29 -Hardware Installation14) COMA (Serial Port Header) The COM header can provide one serial port via an optional COM port cable. For purchasing t
Copyright© 2014 GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. All rights reserved.The trademarks mentioned in this manual are legally registered to their respective
- 30 -Hardware Installation17) CLR_CMOS (Clear CMOS Jumper) UsethisjumpertocleartheBIOScongurationandresettheCMOSvaluestofactorydefa
BIOS Setup- 31 -BIOS(BasicInput and OutputSystem) records hardwareparametersof thesystemin the CMOSon themotherboard.Itsmajorfunct
BIOS Setup- 32 -2-1 Startup ScreenThe following startup Logo screen will appear when the computer boots.Function Keys:<DEL>: BIOS SETUP\Q-FLASH
BIOS Setup- 33 -2-2 The Main MenuA. Startup Guide (Default)TheStartupGuidescreensimpliesconventionalcomplicatedBIOSsetupmenusandpresents
BIOS Setup- 34 -Setup MenusFunction KeysHelpEnter Q-FlashSelect Default LanguageCongurationItems Current SettingsC. Classic SetupClassic Setup is th
BIOS Setup- 35 -BIOS Setup Menus M.I.T. Usethismenutoconguretheclock,frequency,andvoltagesofyourCPUandmemory,etc.Orcheckthesyst
BIOS Setup- 36 -2-3 M.I.T.Whetherthesystemwillworkstablywiththeoverclock/overvoltagesettingsyoumadeisdependentonyouroverallsystemcon
BIOS Setup- 37 - ` M.I.T. Current Status This screen provides information on CPU/memory frequencies/parameters. ` Advanced Frequency Settings &
BIOS Setup- 38 - ` Advanced CPU Core Settings (Note) ThisitemispresentonlywhenyouinstallaCPUthatsupportsthisfeature.Formoreinformatio
BIOS Setup- 39 -(Note1) ThisitemispresentonlywhenyouinstallaCPUthatsupportsthisfeature.FormoreinformationaboutIntel® CPUs' un
- 4 -Table of ContentsBox Contents ...
BIOS Setup- 40 - & ExtremeMemoryProle(X.M.P.)(Note), System Memory Multiplier, Memory Frequency(MHz) The settings above are synchronous to t
BIOS Setup- 41 - ` Channel A/B Memory Sub Timings & Channel Interleaving Enables or disables memory channel interleaving. Enabled allows the syst
BIOS Setup- 42 -This sub-menu allows you to set CPU, chipset and memory voltages. ` Advanced Voltage Settings
BIOS Setup- 43 - ` PC Health Status & Reset Case Open Status Disabled Keepsorclearstherecordofpreviouschassisintrusionstatus.(Defaul
BIOS Setup- 44 - & CPU Vcore/CPU VRIN/DRAM Voltage/+3.3V/+5V/+12V/CPU VAXG Displays the current system voltages. & CPU/System Temperature Di
BIOS Setup- 45 - & 2nd System Fan Speed Control (SYS_FAN2 Connector) Allows you to determine whether to enable the fan speed control function and
BIOS Setup- 46 - ` Miscellaneous Settings & PCIeSlotConguration Allows you to set the operation mode of the PCI Express slots to Gen 1, Gen 2,
BIOS Setup- 47 -2-4 System InformationThis section provides information on your motherboard model and BIOS version. You can also select the default l
BIOS Setup- 48 -2-5 BIOS Features & Boot Option Priorities Speciestheoverallbootorderfromtheavailabledevices.Removablestoragedevices
BIOS Setup- 49 - & Security Option Specieswhetherapasswordisrequiredeverytimethesystemboots,oronlywhenyouenterBIOSSetup.After
- 5 -Chapter3 ConguringSATAHardDrive(s) ...593-1 ConguringSATAControllers ...
BIOS Setup- 50 - & Intel Virtualization Technology (Note) Enables or disables Intel®Virtualization Technology. Virtualizationenhancedby Int
BIOS Setup- 51 - & Ipv4 PXE Support EnablesordisablesIPv4PXESupport.ThisitemiscongurableonlywhenNetwork stack is enabled. & Ipv
BIOS Setup- 52 -2-6 Peripherals & Initial Display Output SpeciestherstinitiationofthemonitordisplayfromtheinstalledPCIgraphicscard
BIOS Setup- 53 - & Audio Controller Enablesordisablestheonboardaudiofunction.(Default:Enabled) If you wish to install a 3rd party add-in
BIOS Setup- 54 - ` SATAConguration & Integrated SATA Controller EnablesordisablestheintegratedSATAcontrollers.(Default:Enabled) &
BIOS Setup- 55 - ` SuperIOConguration ThissectionprovidesinformationonthesuperI/Ochipandallowsyoutoconguretheserialport. & Se
BIOS Setup- 56 -2-7 Power Management & Power Loading Enablesordisablesdummyload.Whenthepowersupplyisatlowload,aself-protectionwil
BIOS Setup- 57 - & Power On By Keyboard Allows the system to be turned on by a PS/2 keyboard wake-up event. Note:Tousethisfunction,youneed
BIOS Setup- 58 -2-8 Save & Exit & Save & Exit Setup Press<Enter>onthisitemandselectYes. This saves the changes to the CMOS
- 59 -Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)Chapter3 ConguringSATAHardDrive(s)3-1 ConguringSATAControllersA. Installing SATA hard drive(s) in your co
- 6 -Optional Items 2-portUSB2.0bracket(PartNo.12CR1-1UB030-6*R) eSATAbracket(PartNo.12CF1-3SATPW-4*R) 3.5"FrontPanelwith2USB3
Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)- 60 -The BIOS Setup menus described in this section may differ from the exact settings for your motherboard. The actual
- 61 -Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)C-1.UEFIRAIDCongurationOnlyWindows8.1/864-bitsupportsUEFIRAIDconguration.Step 1:In BIOS Setup, go to BI
Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)- 62 -Step 3:On the Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technologymenu,press<Enter>onCreate RAID Volume to enter the Create
- 63 -Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)Step 5:After setting the capacity, move to Create Volumeandpress<Enter>tobegin.(Figure6)After completi
Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)- 64 -Delete RAID VolumeTodeleteaRAIDarray,press<Enter>onthevolumetobedeletedontheIntel(R) Rapid Sto
- 65 -Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)C-2.ConguringLegacyRAIDROMEnter the Intel®legacyRAIDBIOSsetuputilitytocongureaRAIDarray.Skipthis
Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)- 66 -Step 3: After entering the CREATE VOLUME MENUscreen,enteravolumenamewith1~16letters(letterscannotbespec
- 67 -Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)Step 5:Enterthearraycapacityandpress<Enter>.Finallypress<Enter>ontheCreate Volume item to b
Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)- 68 -Recovery Volume OptionsIntel® Rapid Recover Technology provides data protection by allowing users to easily restore
- 69 -Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)Figure 17Step 3:Press<Enter>undertheSelect Disks item. In the SELECT DISKSbox,press<Tab>onthe
Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)- 70 -Delete RAID VolumeTo delete a RAID array, select Delete RAID Volume in MAIN MENU andpress<Enter>. In the
- 71 -Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)3-2 Installing the SATA RAID/AHCI Driver and Operating SystemWiththecorrectBIOSsettings,youarereadytoinst
Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)- 72 -B. Rebuilding an ArrayRebuilding is the process of restoring data to a hard drive from other drives in the array. R
- 73 -Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s) • Performing the Rebuild in the Operating SystemWhileintheoperatingsystem,makesurethechipsetdriverhasbe
Conguring SATA Hard Drive(s)- 74 -Step 2:Go to the Manage menu of the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology utility and click Recover data in Manage Volume
- 75 -AppendixChapter 4 AppendixDrivers Installation• Before installing thedrivers, first installtheoperating system.(Thefollowing instru
Appendix- 76 -Regulatory StatementsRegulatory NoticesThis document must not be copied without our written permission, and the contents there of must n
- 77 -AppendixFCC Notice (U.S.A. Only)This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Par
Appendix- 78 -
- 79 -AppendixContact Us • GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.Address:No.6,BaoChiangRoad,Hsin-TienDist.,NewTaipeiCity231,TaiwanTEL: +886-2-8912-40
- 8 -GA-H97-Gaming 3 Motherboard Block DiagramFordetailedproductinformation/limitation(s),referto"1-2ProductSpecications."Dual Chan
Appendix- 80 -• GIGABYTE Global Service SystemTosubmitatechnicalornon-technical(Sales/Marketing)question, please link to:http://ggts.gigabyte.
- 9 -Hardware Installation1-1 Installation PrecautionsThe motherboard contains numerous delicate electronic circuits and components which can become
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